


publication 1

Sediment respiration from IRES sediment: a global perspective



publication 2

Leaching of nutrients during rewetting events in IRES


publication 1

Emissions from dry inland waters are a blind spot in the global carbon cycle



publication 4

A conceptual framework for understanding the biogeochemistry of dry riverbeds through the lens of soil science


publication 5

Dry phase biomonitoring in IRES: an Ecological Indicators publication


publication 6

Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (SMIRES) — RIO



publication 7

Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: Current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments — STOTEN


publication 8

Flow intermittence in the Alps


publication 2

Flow intermittence and trophic structures in the Alps


publication 6

Conceptual models of river science and IRES



publication 4

Flow and sediment regimes in IRES




Create a meta-database of available hydrological data from flow gauging stations with zero-flow events in the participating countries.



Create maps of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams at the European scale.



Identification of sentinel areas in Europe to monitor the evolution of drying in river networks.



Develop a conceptual ecohydrological framework for the science and the management of IRES.



Compile existing knowledge on IRES functioning and the influence of flow regime as a controlling factor.



Identify critical ecosystem services provided by IRES and evaluate their economic value.



Meta-models of carbon and nutrient dynamics in IRES at the catchment scale and improved understanding of the respective influence of aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical processes on IRES water quality.



Adaptation of bioindication tools for assessing IRES ecological status and prospection for new ones.



Synthesis of state-of-the-art of IRES ecology and management and knowledge gap analysis of IRES.



Electronic handbook guidelines for stakeholders of each participating country to manage IRES: abstract.



Organisation of Special Topical Sessions on IRES at 4 international freshwater conferences.



Organisation of 2 dedicated workshops with water resources managers and policy makers about the management of IRES in Europe.



Organisation of 3 Training School (TS) on IRES hydrology, biogeochemistry, ecology and modelling targetting specifically ECIs with both theoretical and applied aspects (e.g. fieldwork).



Organisation of 10 Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) with priority for data analysis and interpretation for ECIs related to the development of the Action area and with high publication potential.



Develop the basis for a European wide citizen science network to monitor river flow state in Europe.