

Related projects

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The 1000 Intermittent Rivers Project: A Global Network to Study Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams

DryFlux: CO2 emission from terrestrial-aquatic interfaces


Datry Thibault

Datry Thibault (Chair) 
Thibault Datry is a freshwater ecologist working at INRAE, Lyon, France. His research focuses on intermittent river ecology, with a particular emphasis on how flow intermittence influences the dynamics of communities and organic matter processing in space and time. More here.



Singer Gabriel

Singer Gabriel (Vice Chair) 
Gabriel Singer is a freshwater ecologist working at IGB, Berlin, Germany. His research focuses on organic matter dynamics and ecosystem functioning in streams and rivers, where spatial constraints related to the river network shape the structure of communities and the distribution of resources. More here.



Sauquet Eric

Sauquet Eric (WG1 lead)
Eric Sauquet is a hydrologist working at INRAE, Lyon, France. His research fields are: characterization of river flow regime, regionalization of hydrological variables and impact of global change on low flow and water resources. More here.



Jorda-Capdevila Dídac

Jorda-Capdevila Dídac (WG2 lead) 
Dídac Jorda-Capdevila is a multidisciplinary researcher working at the Catalan Institute for Water Research. His work is focused on environmental flows and river continuity. He has performed hydraulic-habitat analyses for the assessment of e-flows in Catalonia and recently defended his PhD at the Autonomous University of Barcelona about the use of an ecosystem services approach for the analysis of inter-stakeholder conflict in relation to water flows. More here.


Von Schiller Daniel

Von Schiller Daniel (WG3 lead) 
Daniel von Schiller is a freshwater ecosystem ecologist and biogeochemist working at UPV-EHU, Bilbao, Spain. His research focuses on understanding how global change shapes the functioning of fluvial ecosystems with particular interest in temporary streams. More here.



Stubbington Rachel

Stubbington Rachel (WG4 lead) 
Rachel Stubbington is a freshwater ecologist based at Nottingham Trent University, UK. Her research considers how benthic and hyporheic invertebrate communities respond to environmental variability in temperate zone temporary streams. More here.


Magand Claire

Magand Claire (SHC lead)
Claire Magand works for the French Agency for Biodiversity in Vincennes, France. She is a hydrologist in the department of Research, Development and Innovation. She builds partnership with research organizations on water resources management in order to produce tools and knowledge to diagnose, manage and restore aquatic environments. She is involved in several national projects on intermittent rivers.


Miliša Marko

Miliša Marko (FYR lead) 
Marko Miliša is a freshwater ecologist working in the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia. His research focuses on macroinvertebrates and organic matter dynamics in karst ecosystems. More here.



Pařil Petr

Pařil Petr (STSM coordinator) 
Petr Pařil is a freshwater ecologist working at MasarykUniversity, Brno, Czech Republic. His research focuses on the ecology and traits of aquatic macroinvertebrates (especially dipterans and annelids) in intermittent rivers, with a particular emphasis on biomonitoring of flow permanence and of ecological status. More here.



Bardina Mònica

Bardina Mònica
Mònica Bardina is a Forests Engineer working at the Catalan Water Agency. Her work has always been related to rivers, especially in the calculation and implementation of environmental flows, but also in the diagnosis of the hydromorphological status, the mitigation of impacts, and the developing of water management plans. More here.



Abouabdillah Aziz

Abouabdillah Aziz 
Aziz Abouabdillah is covering a position of professor and researcher at National School of Agriculture of Meknès, Morocco. His research focuses on Water resources Management, Hydrologic modeling, Climate change, Irrigation scheduling, and plant production. Aziz Abouabdillah holds a PhD on hydrologic modeling, a Master of Science in irrigation and an agriculture engineering diploma.



Acuña Vicenç

Acuña Vicenç 
Vicenç Acuña focuses his efforts on the 3 different research lines: effects of flow and temperature alterations on the Carbon fluxes and biogeochemistry in fluvial systems (i); effects of multiple-stressors on fluvial systems, as well as the chemical fate of emerging contaminants (ii); and ecosystem services, with studies at either the reach or basin scale (iii). More here.



Akinsete Ebun

Akinsete Ebun 
Ebun Akinsete is a researcher in sustainable development at the International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8). She is also an Associate Lecturer at the School of Applied Social Studies, Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen), and Senior Partner with Nigerian-based consultancy GEN Sustainable Solutions. More here.


Akstinas Vytautas

Akstinas Vytautas 
Vytautas Akstinas is PhD student at Laboratory of Hydrology, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania. His research focuses on hydrological modeling and climate change impact on hydrological extremes.



Albuquerque Teresa

Albuquerque Teresa 
Teresa Albuquerque is an environmental researcher working at Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB), Castelo Branco, Portugal. Her research focuses on water quality and environmental vulnerability and risk, with a particular emphasis on data analysis and modeling, namely numerical and stochastic simulation and risk mapping construction. More here.



Almagro María

Almagro María
María Almagro is a soil ecologist and biogeochemist working at the Soil and Water Conservation Research Group from the Spanish Research Council, Murcia, Spain. Her research focuses on understanding the impacts of changes in climate, land use and land management on soil carbon fluxes with particular interest in soil respiration, plant litter decomposition and sediment dynamics. More here.


Almeida Salomé

Almeida Salomé 
Salomé Almeida is a freshwater ecologist working at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Her research focuses on ecology, ecotoxicology and taxonomy of diatoms, especially for the assessment of water quality. She also considers the impact of pollution gradients on diatoms from the cellular level to the community level. More here.



Alves Maria Helena

Alves Maria Helena 
Maria Helena Alves is a senior officer at the Tagus and West River Basin District Administration (ARHTO)/Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA), Lisbon, Portugal. Her work focuses on water management and planning and ecology status assessment and monitoring, including intermittent rivers.


Antonelli Marta

Antonelli Marta 
Marta Antonelli is a researcher in ecohydrology at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. Her multidisciplinary research explores environmental controls on terrestrial diatom communities and their use as a biological tracer of hydrological connectivity. More here.



Antunes Margarida

Antunes Margarida
Margarida Antunes is an environmental researcher working at Earth Sciences Department from University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Her research focuses on water contamination, geochemistry of contaminants and pollution control, with a particular emphasis on environmental geochemistry and spatial distribution of contaminants. More here.



Arce Marisa

Arce Marisa 
Marisa Arce is a Humboldt post-doctoral fellow at IGB, Berlin, Germany. Her research mainly focuses on understanding nitrogen  dynamics and related biogochemical proceses in fluvial ecosystems, especially under flow intermittency.



Arenas-Sánchez Alba

Arenas-Sánchez Alba 
Alba Arenas-Sánchez is a researcher at IMDEA Water Institute in Madrid, Spain. Her research focuses on the impacts of multiple stressors on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in semi-arid regions, with a special focus on interactions between water scarcity and chemical pollution. More here.



Arnon Shai

Arnon Shai
Shai Arnon is a hydrologist working at BGU, Sede-Boqer, Israel. His research focuses on the fate and transport of contaminants in the environment. In particular, how the coupling between flow conditions and biogeochemical processes are affecting nutrient cycling in streams. More here.


Aspin Thomas

Aspin Thomas 
Thomas Aspin is a freshwater ecologist at Wessex Water, UK. He studies the effects of droughts, water abstractions and long-term flow variability on stream ecosystems, with a particular interest in invertebrate communities. More here.



Attermeyer Katrin

Attermeyer Katrin 
Katrin Attermeyer is a postdoctoral fellow working at the WasserCluster in Lunz am See, Austria. Her research focuses on carbon biogeochemistry and microbial ecology. Particularly, she aims for a better understanding of the role of microorganisms in the cycling of carbon and other nutrients in all kinds of freshwaters. More here.



Augeard Bénédicte

Augeard Bénédicte 
Bénédicte Augeard works for the French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments in Vincennes, France. She is a hydrologist in the department of research and development. She builds partnership with research organizations on water resources management in order to produce tools and knowledge to diagnose, manage and restore aquatic environments. She is involved in several national projects on intermittent rivers.


B-Béres Viktória

B-Béres Viktória 
Viktória B-Béres is a biologist at the Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary. Her research focuses on structural and functional responses of benthic diatom and soft algae communities to disturbances in lotic and lentic ecosystems, and also the use of algae in ecological status assessment.



Bácsi István

Bácsi István 
István Bácsi is a biologist at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. He uses experimental approaches to study how algal population and community dynamics are driven by environmental extremity and biotic interactions. More here.



Baldrian Petr

Baldrian Petr
Petr Baldrian is a microbial ecologist working in the Institute of Microbiology in Prague, Czech Republic. His research focuses on microbial ecology and biochemistry of soils, especially the questions of fungal and bacterial contribution to ecosystem processes, interactions of microorganisms with plants and seasonality of microbial processes in the environment . More here.



Barry Stephen

Barry Stephen
Stephen Barry has an MSc. in Climate Change and has worked in the environmental sector on issues of compiling greenhouse gas emissions inventories and water pollution. He is currently completing a PhD. in Peatland Carbon Fluxes and understanding surface and sub-surface mechanisms in Dublin Institute of Technology.


Barthès Amélie

Barthès Amélie 
Amélie Barthès is a freshwater ecologist working at EUROFINS Expertises Environnementales, Maxéville, France. Her research focuses on biomonitoring based on diatoms in intermittent rivers. She develops national and international projects on hydrobiology. More here.



Basdeki Aikaterini

Basdeki Aikaterini 
Aikaterini Basdeki is a Phd student in the Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering of Civil Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her thesis is  »Optimization of urban sewerage network with emphasis on the use of ecological rainwater management methods ». More here.



Beaufort Aurélien

Beaufort Aurélien 
Aurélien Beaufort is a hydrologist working at INRAE, Lyon, France. His research focuses on characterization of river flow regime with a particular emphasis on hydrological functioning of intermittent rivers in headwaters. More here.



Beqiraj Sajmir

Beqiraj Sajmir 
Sajmir Beqiraj is a hydrobiologist and invertebrate zoologist at the University of Tirana, Albania. His research encompasses the aquatic ecology of marine, brackish and freshwater ecosystems, focusing on benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of ecological status in river ecosystems including intermittent reaches and tributaries of the Vjosa River. More here.



Bercea Silviu

Bercea Silviu 
Silviu Bercea is a microbiology PhD candidate based at Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology, Cluj-Napoca compartment, Romania. His research involves the study of microbial communities of underground air, water and surfaces and monitoring responses due to varying human and natural factors.



Berger Elisabeth

Berger Elisabeth 
Elisabeth Berger is a freshwater ecologist at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. She studies rivers as socio-ecological systems, focusing on anthropogenic disturbances and the bioassessment of ecosystem health using morphological, genetic and functional approaches. More here.



Bernal Susana

Bernal Susana 
Susana Bernal is a catchment ecologist working at CEAB-CSIC, Blanes, Spain. Her research focuses on carbon and nutrient biogeochemistry in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, especially on hydrological and biogeochemical processes at the riparian-stream interface and at different spatio-temporal scales. More here.



Bertuzzo Enrico

Bertuzzo Enrico 
Enrico Bertuzzo is an associate professor in hydrology working at the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari. His research focuses on the discipline of ecohydrology by exploiting studies of stream and river basins seen as environmental matrix for ecological processes. More here.



Bezdan Atila

Bezdan Atila 
Atila Bezdan is an assistant professor at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, Serbia. His research focuses on hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of drainage and irrigation systems, especially on risk assessment of occurrence of extreme hydro-meteorological events like droughts and floods. More here.



Birk Sebastian

Birk Sebastian 
Sebastian Birk is a scientist at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. His research focuses on multiple stressor management in aquatic ecosystems, including the development of ecological status classification methods, alternative biomonitoring techniques, and restoration ecology. More here.



Blanchet Simon

Blanchet Simon 
Simon Blanchet is a freshwater ecologist working at CNRS in Moulis, France. His research examines the causes and consequences of biological diversity in river networks, focusing on the evolutionary drivers of intraspecific diversity and their effects on ecosystem functioning. More here.



Bolpagni Rossano

Bolpagni Rossano 
Rossano Bolpagni is a inland water ecologist at the Parma University, IT. His research deals with primary producers and their multiple interections with the physical and chemical environment. Topic issues are spatial and temporal patterns of plant/algal diversity and their contribution to carbon and nutrient dynamics. More here.



Bolpagni Rossano 2

Bolpagni Rossano 
Rossano Bolpagni is a inland water ecologist at the Parma University, IT. His research deals with primary producers and their multiple interections with the physical and chemical environment. Topic issues are spatial and temporal patterns of plant/algal diversity and their contribution to carbon and nutrient dynamics. More here.



Bonada Núria

Bonada Núria 
Núria Bonada is a freshwater ecologist at the University of Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain. Her research focuses on patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates in mediterranean-climate rivers and their responses to past, present, and future disturbances, combining community and population approaches. More here.



Borg Alexander

Borg Alexander 
Alexander Borg is currently reading for a PhD with the University of Birmingham (UK) and his research involves the investigation of spatio-temporal variability of alternating dry and wet conditions in Mediterranean ephemeral and intermittent streams to characterize its influence on ecosystem-derived services. His main supervisors are Prof Jon Sadler and Prof David Hannah and Dr Thibault Datry is a contributor. Further information can be found on his website:


Bouchez Agnès

Bouchez Agnès 
Agnès Bouchez is a research associate at the National Institute of Agricultural Research in France. Her research uses microorganisms including diatoms to assess the ecological quality of freshwater ecosystems, using molecular (metabarcoding), taxonomic, and ecotoxicological tools. More here.



Breil Pascal

Breil Pascal
Pascal Breil is an Ecohydrologist which carries researches at INRAE on the natural and anthropogenic drivers guiding the chain of relationships between the flux of energy carried by the water – their residence time in the geomorphic structures and the biota response.



Bresci Elena

Bresci Elena 
Elena Bresci is an associate professor at the University of Firenze, School of Agriculture. She is a hydraulic engineer focusing her research on water resources management under scarcity conditions. She is the Coordinator of the Water Harvesting Lab and working on water harvesting (WH) in arid and semi arid regions since 2014. More here.



Brown Lee

Brown Lee 
Lee Brown is an aquatic scientist at the University of Leeds, UK. His research explores how biodiversity and functional processes respond to environmental change in aquatic ecosystems. He currently leads Euro-FLOW, an EU-funded ITN looking at environmental flows. More here.



Brummer Mathias

Brummer Mathias 
Mathias Brummer is a Global Change Ecologist specialized working at WE&B, Barcelona, Spain. His work is focused on ecosystem service management, rural development and stakeholder engagement. His interests are the effective engagement of stakeholders in environmental management decisions. More here.



Brunke Matthias

Brunke Matthias 
Matthias Brunke is a freshwater ecologist working at LLUR, Flintbek, Germany. He is responsible for biological, chemical and morphological monitoring and assessment of streams and rivers in Schleswig-Holstein and recommendations for restoration measures.



Bruno Daniel

Bruno Daniel 
Daniel Bruno is a freshwater ecologist working at INRAE, Lyon, France. His research focuses on the structural and functional responses of riparian and aquatic communities to natural and anthropogenic stressors. More here.



Bućan Denis

Bućan Denis 
Denis Bućan is a PhD student studying freshwater ecology at the Croatian Natural History Museum. His research focuses on macroinvertebrate community ecology and the effects of climate change on ecosystem and organic matter dynamics in IRES. More here.



Bunting George

Bunting George 
George Bunting is a freshwater ecologist at Nottingham Trent University, UK. His current research focuses on the ‘winterbourne’ reaches of chalk streams in England, and will develop a biomonitoring programme that informs effective management of these unique habitats. More here.



Burfeid Andrea

Burfeid Andrea 
Andrea Burfeid is a PhD student in the Laboratory of Algology at the Biology Faculty of the University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on the ecology of benthic diatoms, observing their responses to physicochemical variation in rivers at multiple scales. More here.



Bussettini Martina

Bussettini Martina 
Martina Bussettini heads the Freshwater Area at ISPRA. Her area of expertise is fluvial hydromorphology , ecohydraulics and catchment management, with specific competence on developing methods for monitoring, assessing and managing river processes. More here.



Calleja Eman

Calleja Eman
Eman Calleja is a plant ecologist at the Malta College for Arts, Sciences and Technology, Malta. His research interests are in managing Mediterranean IRES to achieve  optimal conservation status. He uses various ecological restoration techniques and assesses their success by monitoring environmental change in long-term projects. More here.



Campana Claudia

Campana Claudia 
Claudia Campana is a hydraulic engineer working at AdBP (Basin Authority of Apulia), Valenzano (Bari), Italy. Her institutional and research activities focus mainly on quantitative monitoring of water resources, with the aim of studying hydrological trends of apulian surface- and ground- water bodies, and their water balance estimation and management.



Cañedo-Argüelles Miguel

Cañedo-Argüelles Miguel 
Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles is an aquatic ecologist based at the FEM Research Group, at the University of Barcelona. His research focuses on the response of aquatic ecosystems to disturbance (e.g. drought, salinization) and how aquatic communities are connected through the landscape. More here.



Castanho Rui Alexandre

Castanho Rui Alexandre 
Rui Alexandre Castanho holds an International Ph.D. on Sustainable Urban Planning in Transboundary Areas. He collaborates with the Environmental Resources Analysis Research Group (ARAM) – University of Extremadura (UEx). Nowadays, he´s researching for the Department of Landscape, Environment, and Planning. University of Évora (UE). More here.



Castelli Giulio

Castelli Giulio 
Giulio Castelli is a postdoctoral scholar working in the Water Harvesting Lab of the University of Florence, Italy. He is currently developing his research focusing on wadi hydrology and climate feedbacks in arid catchments. More here.



Castro Antonio J.

Castro Antonio J. 
Antonio J. Castro is a social-ecological scientist working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Almeria (Spain) and Affiliated Faculty at Idaho State University (USA). He is a Lead Author for the Values Chapter of the IPBES. His research focuses on the understanding of the social-ecological dynamics causing and caused by water scarcity and governance. More here.



Catalán Núria

Catalán Núria 
Núria Catalán works at ICRA, Girona, Spain. Her research focuses on the study of carbon biogeochemistry in any aquatic system: rivers, lakes, ponds, even in their dry phase. Specifically, she has been focusing on the organic carbon reactivity patterns and their controls, and she has recently started to deal with metabolism and gas emissions.



Cauvy-Fraunié Sophie

Cauvy-Fraunié Sophie 
Sophie Cauvy-Fraunié is a freshwater ecologist based at INRAE in Lyon, France. Her research examines the physical and ecological processes involved in structuring aquatic ecosystems in order to predict biodiversity responses to flow alteration, in particular in alpine streams. More here.



Chadd Richard

Chadd Richard 
Richard Chadd is a freshwater ecologist working for the Environment Agency of England. He specialises in invertebrate ecology and has developed metrics which transform taxonomic data into information for use in environmental management, demonstrating stressors such as flow variability and drought, fine sediment build up, freshwater salinization and conservation value. More here.



Chapuis Margot

Chapuis Margot 
Margot Chapuis is a fluvial geomorphologist at Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France. Her research focuses on steep and active gravel-bed rivers. She specifically links hydrological and sediment fluxes to assess their morphodynamics for management purposes. More here.



Ciach Michał

Ciach Michał
Michał Ciach is an animal ecologist based at University of Agriculture in Kraków, Poland. His research focuses on factors that control population abundance and dynamics, with a particular emphasis on the human-induced modification of environment. More here.



Cid Núria

Cid Núria 
Núria Cid is a freshwater ecologist working in the Ecology Department, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona. She is a member of the Freshwater Ecology and Management research group. Her work has considered the ecological assessment of human pressures on freshwater ecosystems, and is currently focused on improving management of Mediterranean intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. More here.



Colls Miriam

Colls Miriam 
Miriam Colls is a PhD student working at the Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain. Her research focused on the streambed biofilms structure and functioning under global change with emphasis on the biofilm responses to flow intermittency in temporary streams.



Comiti Francesco

Comiti Francesco 
Francesco Comiti is associate professor at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Faculty of Science and Technology). His research focuses on the monitoring of water, sediment and wood fluxes in mountain basins, including ecohydrological dynamics, long-term river changes and geomorphic response to flood and debris flow events. More here.



Constable Drew

Constable Drew 
Drew Constable is a freshwater ecologist at the Environment Agency of England, UK. In the hydroecology team who support the environmental monitoring and assessment that underpins abstraction and drought management, and is developing hydroecological decision-making tools. More here.



Corti Roland

Corti Roland 
Roland Corti is a freshwater ecologist working mainly on the ecology of intermittent rivers. He studies the effects of drying events on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate communities in riverbeds and adjacent riparian zones, as well as the decomposition and transport of particulate organic matter. More here.


Cottet Marylise

Cottet Marylise
Marylise Cottet is a social geographer working at UMR 5600 EVS, Lyon, France. Her research focuses on social perceptions and uses of rivers and wetlands. Her research consider more especially the governance and the integrated management of those environments. More here.



Crabot Julie

Crabot Julie 
Julie Crabot is a freshwater ecologist based at INRAE in Lyon, France. Her research is developing modelling tools to examine temporal variability in the structure of metacommunities in intermittent rivers. More here.



Csabai Zoltán

Csabai Zoltán 
Zoltán Csabai is a freshwater ecologist working at the University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary. His research focuses on the causes, processes and consequences of dispersal flights in aquatic beetles, as well as laboratory modelling of intra- and interspecific interactions, species traits and stream invertebrate community responses to extreme conditions and events. More here.



Cvijanović Dušanka

Cvijanović Dušanka 
Dušanka Cvijanović is a freshwater ecologist at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Her research focuses on eco-hydromorphology of river and lakes, aquatic vegetation monitoring and remote sensing. More here.



De Girolamo Anna Maria

De Girolamo Anna Maria 
Anna Maria De Girolamo is a hydrologist working at Water Research Institute-CNR, Bari, Italy. Her research interest focus on hydrological processes, ecohydrology, watershed management, integrated ecohydrological modelling in Mediterranean basins. More here.



De Miguel Garcia Ángel

De Miguel Garcia Ángel 
Ángel de Miguel Garcia is researcher in water management and agriculture at Wageningen UR, The Netherlands. His main area of activity is water footprint and water use efficiency in agriculture. He developed several works in the field of Water Reuse, primarily intended for irrigation of non-food crops. He also works on the implementation and improvement of several non-conventional technologies of wastewater treatment, mainly vegetation filters. More here .


Declerck Steven

Declerck Steven 
Steven Declerck is a freshwater ecologist at NIOO-KNAW in the Netherlands. His research interests range from the influence of metacommunity processes on spatial patterns of biodiversity to the ecological implications of rapid microevolutionary changes in aquatic organisms. More here.



Del Campo Rubén

Del Campo Rubén 
Rubén del Campo is a PhD student working at the University of Murcia, Spain. His research focuses on the interaction between terrestrial and aquatic systems on organic matter processing, especially in intermittent streams. More here.



Dmitrović Dejan

Dmitrović Dejan 
Dejan Dmitrović is a freshwater ecologist based at the University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. His research examines the macrozoobenthos of temperate zone watercourses, especially springs. More here.



Dörflinger Gerald

Dörflinger Gerald 
Gerald Dörflinger works as a hydrologist at the Water Development Department in Cyprus. He is coordinating a number of national surface water monitoring programs (stream flow, chemical status, ecological status-biology, etc.) and his recent research focused on Cyprus’ stream types in relation to biological monitoring and pressures in the WFD framework.



Đuknić Jelena

Đuknić Jelena 
Jelena Đuknić is a freshwater ecologist working at the Institute for Biological Research „Siniša Stanković” (IBISS), University of Belgrade, Serbia – Department of Hydroecology and Water Protection. Her research focuses on macroinvertebrate community ecology and biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystem. She also work on the taxonomy, diversity and phylogenetics of black flies (Simuliidae). More here.

Elçi Alper

Elçi Alper 
Alper Elçi is a Professor of Environmental Engineering at Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. His research models the fate and transport of contaminants in surface water and groundwater. He consults with the water resources sector to model water quality and characterize watersheds. More here.



Engeland Kolbjørn

Engeland Kolbjørn 
Kolbjørn Engeland is a hydrologist working at UiO and NVE, Oslo, Norway. His research focuses on hydrological extremes, low flows, hydrological modelling and forecasting. In particular he has contributed to estimation of low flow indices in ungauged catchments implemented in a web-based tool. More here.



England Judy

England Judy 
Judy England is a freshwater ecologist working at the Environment Agency, England, UK. Her research focuses on ecology-hydromorphology interactions and the restoration of riverine ecosystems. More here.



Filipe Ana Filipa

Filipe Ana Filipa 
Ana Filipa Filipe is a researcher in CIBIO-InBIO (Portugal). Her research interests focuses on freshwater biodiversity and its main threats, including climate change, habitat loss, and introduced species. Her expertise focuses on ecology and conservation of freshwater fish in Mediterranean climate regions. More here.



Finger David C.

Finger David C. 
David Finger is an Ass. Prof at Reykjavik University focusing his research on monitoring and modeling mountain ecosystems. The sustainable and resilience based management of fresh water resources are the main objective of his research. His projects cover a wide range of fields, ranging from impacts of lands restoration on runoff dynamics, eutrophication of freshwaters to sustainable hydropower developments. Further information can be found on his website:


Fleituch Tadeusz

Fleituch Tadeusz 
Tadeusz Fleituch is a freshwater/stream ecologist/zoologist working at Institute of Nature Conservation PAS, Kraków, Poland. His research focuses on POM processing, species invasions in riparian zones, stream habitat modifications (urban stream ecology), biomarkers and biometrics, water quality assessment (WFD), prediction and monitoring of global warming and water scarcity. More here.



Fortuño Pau

Fortuño Pau 
Pau Fortuño is a researcher in the Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management Research Group at the University of Barcelona, Spain. His research explores how citizen science and environmental education can improve management of Mediterranean rivers, including IRES. More here.


Foulquier Arnaud

Foulquier Arnaud 
Arnaud Foulquier is Associate Professor in the Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, Université Grenoble Alpes, France. His research focuses on the links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and on the impacts of changes in climate and land-use on the biogeochemical functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. He has special expertise on functional ecology, biogeochemistry and microbial ecology.



Friberg Nikolai

Friberg Nikolai 
Nikolai Friberg is a freshwater ecologist by training and is currently holds a position as research director for biodiversity at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research. His research interest relates to anthropogenic impacts on aquatic biodiversity. More here.



Froebrich Jochen

Froebrich Jochen 
Jochen Froebrich works at Wageningen UR, The Netherlands. Hi has experience in modelling and managing temporary streams and in assessing the applicability of the WFD to such aquatic systems. Specialized in developing structured solutions to reduce water stress in semi arid regions using innovation platforms and Green Economic Growth approaches. More here.



Gallart Francesc

Gallart Francesc 
Francesc Gallart is a geomorphologist and hydrologist working at IDAEA, Barcelona, Spain. His main research focuses on hydrological and geomorphic processes in middle Mediterranean mountain catchments, as well on the regimes of non-permanent streams. More here.



García Liliana

García Liliana 
Liliana García is a freshwater ecologist in the Ecology and Animal Biology department at University of Vigo, Spain. Her research focuses on the effects of global environmental changes and disturbances on the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. More information here.



Garcia Xavier

Garcia Xavier 
Xavier Garcia is an environmental scientist and geographer working at UIC, Barcelona, Spain. His current research is focused on the exploration of the socio-ecological dimensions of urban stream management and rehabilitation. Within this field, he is developing a methodological framework for the participatory management and rehabilitation of these urban landscapes.



Gauster Tobias

Gauster Tobias 
Tobias Gauster is a PhD student at BOKU, Vienna, Austria. His research focuses on applied statistics in hydrology and spatio-temporal modelling of low flows and droughts. He is maintaining and authoring several R packages on CRAN and github. More here.



Gauthier Maïlys

Gauthier Maïlys 
Maïlys Gauthier is a researcher at INRAE in Lyon, France. Her work examines processes structuring macroinvertebrate metacommunities in headwater streams with natural and altered hydrological regimes. She is also using a metabarcoding approach to examine biodiversity from a metacommunity perspective. More here.



Germaine Marie-Anne

Germaine Marie-Anne 
Marie-Anne Germaine is a geographer. She is an assistant professor at the university of Paris Nanterre and she is a member of the laboratory LAVUE. Her work is focused on conflicts and controverses associated to river ecological restoration projects. The recent research programs she coordinates are focused on dam removal.



Gianuca Andros

Gianuca Andros 
Andros Gianuca is a community ecologist at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Leipzig, Germany. His research explores links between scale-dependent community assembly processes and multidimensional biodiversity patterns and functions. More here.



Gilmer Alan

Gilmer Alan 
Alan Gilmer works at the Environmental Sustainability & Health Institute, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. His current interests include the general area of biosphere–climate interaction, landscape-ecosystem fluvial processes, environmental management and sustainable policy.



Gilvear David

Gilvear David 
David Gilvear is a river scientist working at the University of Plymouth, England. His research interests lie in human impacts on river ecosystems, fluvial geomorphology and ecological interactions, remote sensing of rivers and riverine ecosystem service assessment. More here.



Gionchetta Giulia

Gionchetta Giulia 
Giulia Gionchetta is a PhD Student working at the University of Girona, Spain. Her research focused on the streambed microbial diversity, resilience and function under global change with emphasis on the swings occurring from the surface to the bottom sediment layers between the frontier of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem. More here.

Gómez Lluís

Gómez Lluís 
Lluís Gómez is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University (Sweden) trying to understand how carbon moves and cycle across different spatial and temporal scales in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.



Gómez Rosa

Gómez Rosa 
Rosa Gómez is a freshwater ecologist working at the University of Murcia, Spain. Her research focuses on nitrogen and organic matter dynamics with a particular emphasis on ecosystem functioning in streams and wetlands of arid zones.



Graas Susan

Graas Susan 
Susan Graas is a senior lecturer at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on modelling of water resources systems. She has a special interest in developing and modelling alternative reservoir operating policies to improve the ecosystem and analysing the trade-offs.



Grossart Hans-Peter

Grossart Hans-Peter 
Hans-Peter Grossart is a microbial freshwater ecologist working at IGB, Berlin, Germany. His research focuses on microbial diversity, organic matter dynamics and ecosystem functioning in different aquatic systems including rivers. His main focus is on upscaling microscale processes to global biogeochemical cycles in relation to environmental changes such as global warming and anthropogenic activities. More here.


Gulin Vesna

Gulin Vesna 
Vesna Gulin is a PhD Student working at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her current research focuses on the impact of eutrophication on tufa development and the biodiversity of periphyton communities on tufa barriers in Krka National Park, Croatia.



Gültekin Zuhal

Gültekin Zuhal 
Zuhal Gültekin is a freshwater ecologist from Turkey, who is currently based at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. Her research focuses on ecological traits of macroinvertebrates and water quality assessment in Eastern Turkey. More here.



Gutiérrez-Cánovas Tano

Gutiérrez-Cánovas Tano 
Tano Gutiérrez-Cánovas works at CBMA / IB-S at University of Minho, Portugal. His research explores the effects of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services. Specifically, his studies address multiple-stressor effects using and developing trait-based approaches. More here.



Hanel Martin

Hanel Martin 
Martin Hanel is a hydrologist working at CULS, Prague, Czech Republic. His research focuses on statistical modelling of extremes (precipitation maxima and hydrological drought), analysis of variability of natural processes and climate change impact assessment. More here.



Harby Atle

Harby Atle 
Atle Harby is a senior research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research in Norway. He has more than 20 years of experience in research with emphasis on environmental impacts of river regulations, water resources problems, environmental flows, climate change impacts, hydrology and renewable energy. More here.



Heino Jani

Heino Jani 
Jani Heino is an aquatic ecologist working at the Finnish Environment Institute, Oulu, Finland. His research focuses on biodiversity patterns and underlying mechanisms in both lotic and lentic systems. More here.



Hill Matthew

Hill Matthew 
Matthew Hill is a freshwater ecologist working at the Institute of Science and the Environment, University of Worcester, UK. His research focuses on macroinvertebrate diversity, community ecology, and the conservation of temporary freshwaters in temperate regions. More here.



Horváth Zsófia

Horváth Zsófia 
Zsófia Horváth is an aquatic ecologist working at WasserCluster Lunz, Austria. Her current research focuses on metacommunities and the role of connectivity among aquatic habitats in a landscape. More here.



Ilhéu Maria

Ilhéu Maria
Maria Ilhéu is a Researcher and Assistant Professor at Évora University (http://www.uevora.pta), Évora, Portugal. Her work focuses on stream ecology, ecology status assessment, biological pollution and ecological reconciliation in intermittent rivers basins.



Iniesta-Arandia Irene

Iniesta-Arandia Irene 
Irene Iniesta-Arandia works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. She works in the realm of environmental social sciences and feminist research and her interests focus mainly on understanding how current global environmental changes are restructuring the management and governance of local water and agricultural systems. More here.



Jakimavičius Darius

Jakimavičius Darius 
Darius Jakimavičius is a senior research associate (hydrologists) working at Lithuania energy institute, Laboratory of Hydrology, Lithuania. His research focuses on: hydrological modelling; climate change and anthropogenic activities impact on the water recourses; sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of hydrological processes. More here.



Jakubinsky Jiri

Jakubinsky Jiri 
Jiri Jakubinsky is a research fellow working at the Global Change Research Institute CAS (CzechGlobe). He specializes in environmental hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and interactions between river network and the intensity of anthropogenic pressure on the landscape. He focuses on the application of given disciplines mainly in the small watercourses environment. More here.



Jiang Yong

Jiang Yong 
Yong Jiang holds the position of Senior Lecturer at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. As an applied economist with background in science and engineering, he has experience in integrated, quantitative approach to environmental and natural resource management and policy, including economic assessment of e-flow. More here.



Mendes Joana

Mendes Joana 
Joana Mendes is a biologist working for the Socio-environmental Observatory of Menorca (OBSAM), Spain. She is currently working on a project about the hydrological and ecological important of the conservation and the sustainable management of the intermittent rivers of the island of Menorca.



Kagalou Ifigenia

Kagalou Ifigenia 
Ifigenia Kagalou is a freshwater ecologist based at Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece. Her research interests span biomonitoring, multiple stressors on river basins and water bodies, and the restoration and management of freshwater ecosystems. More here.



Kaletova Tatiana

Kaletova Tatiana 
Tatiana Kaletova is a junior lecturer and research assistant at Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia. Her research is focused on the impact of land use on the water quality and water quantity, and its monitoring in rural areas. More here.



Kalogianni Eleni

Kalogianni Eleni 
Eleni Kalogianni is a researcher at the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. Her main research interests are freshwater fish ecology, biology and diet, interactions of endemic fish species with alien species, and biodiversity conservation.



Karaouzas Ioannis

Karaouzas Ioannis 
Ioannis Karaouzas is a freshwater biologist at HCMR, Greece. His research spans the ecology, biodiversity and conservation of freshwater ecosystems, with a focus on the effects of human disturbances and climate change on benthic invertebrates and on ecological status. More here.



Kazila Eleana

Kazila Eleana 
Eleana Kazila is a freshwater ecologist at the University of Crete. Her research focuses on how intermittence influences both community structure and the results of biotic indices used to assess ecological quality in IRES ecosystems.



Kelemen Eszter

Kelemen Eszter 
Eszter Kelemen is ecological economist, working at the Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG) in Hungary. Her main expertise is the deliberative and socio-cultural valuation of ecosystem services. In her projects she works closely together with stakeholders as well as scientists from different disciplines. She is engaged in the IPBES Global Assessment as an expert on values and valuation. More here.


Keller Philipp

Keller Philipp 
Philipp Keller is a PhD student working at the UFZ, Magdeburg, Germany. His research focuses on greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs. Especially, he is interested in the contribution of drawdown areas to the carbon budget of reservoirs and aims to understand gas fluxes at different spatial and temporal scales. More here.



Kholiavko Tatiana

Kholiavko Tatiana 
Tatiana Kholiavko is a PhD student at the Chair of Soil Protection and Recultivation, BTU Cottbus – Senftenberg, Cottbus, Germany. Her research focuses on Carbon Cycling at a land-water interface. More here.



Kohnová Silvia

Kohnová Silvia 
Silvia Kohnová, is a professor in Water Recourses Management at the SUT in Bratislava. Her research is focused on hydrological processes, methods of flood evaluation, regionalization of seasonal and annual design hydrometeorological extremes, regionalisation of model parameters and regional flood frequency analysis.



Koundouri Phoebe

Koundouri Phoebe 
Dr. Phoebe Koundouri is Professor in Economic Theory and Econometrics with special emphasis on Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment at Athens University of Economics and Business and Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics, Director of ICRE8 (, Co-Chair of United Nations SDSN-Greece ( She is ranked in the top 1.5% of all female economists and participated in more than 60 research projects around the world.


Koutalakis Paschalis

Koutalakis Paschalis 
Paschalis Koutalakis is a PhD candidate at the Marine Sciences Department, Faculty of Environment, Aegean University in Greece. His research focuses on the development of large scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) by using UAVs on streams/rivers and geomorphological changes based on terrestrial laser scanner application. More here (in Greek).



Kriauciuniene Jurate

Kriauciuniene Jurate 
Dr. Jurate Kriauciuniene is a head of Hydrology Laboratory (Lithuanian Energy Institute). She has more than 30 years’ experience in hydraulics and hydrology research, water engineering, climate change impact on water bodies and assessment of anthropogenic impact on the hydrological regime of fresh water bodies and sea. Her experience covers the modelling of hydrological processes, hydrodynamics, waves and sediment transport, pollution dispersion in the water bodies.


Kritsotakis Marinos

Kritsotakis Marinos 
Dr. Marinos Kritsotakis is the Head of the Directorate of Water of Decentralized Administration of Crete, Greece. His work focuses on water management, planning, and protection in agreement with the EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. The majority of the rivers in the Cretan island are characterised as intermittent.



Laaha Gregor

Laaha Gregor 
Gregor Laaha is Associate Professor for environmental statistics and a hydrologist based at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria. His research focuses on spatial and temporal modeling of river low flows and droughts under global change. More here.



Laini Alex

Laini Alex 
Alex Laini is a freshwater ecologist working at University of Parma, Italy. His research focuses on factors affecting macroinvertebrate distribution in streams, with particular attention to the spatial organization of organisms at local scale. More here.


Lamouroux Nicolas

Lamouroux Nicolas 
Nicolas Lamouroux is an engineer working at INRAE, Lyon, France. His research focuses on hydraulic habitat modeling (reach and catchment scales) and environmental flows (model development and field tests). More here.



Lampou Anastasia

Lampou Anastasia 
Anastasia Lampou is a freshwater ecologist working at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters, Greece and a PhD student at University of Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain. Her research focuses on the taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates, primarily caddisflies (Trichoptera), damselflies/dragonflies (Odonata) and stoneflies (Plecoptera). She also has been focusing on the bioassessment of Mediterranean intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES). More here.


Langhans Simone

Langhans Simone 
Simone Langhans is a freshwater ecologist affiliated with IGB in Berlin, Germany, and BC3 in Leioa, Spain. She uses her research expertise in aquatic ecology, river restoration, decision support theory and conservation planning to create alternative, multi-disciplinary solutions to complex environmental problems. More here.



Lauerwald Ronny

Lauerwald Ronny 
Ronny Lauerwald is a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, UK. His research focusses on the role of inland waters in global biogeochemical cycles. He has an expertise in GIS-based, statistical modelling approaches as well as in Earth System Modelling. His recent work focusses on the development and application of ORCHILEAK, a new branch of the land surface model ORCHIDEE representing riverine C fluxes.


Lazaridou Maria

Lazaridou Maria 
Maria Lazaridou, is an emeritus Prof. based at the School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research concerns the ecological quality and habitat quality of running waters at a river basin level, benthic macroinvertebrate biology in relation to typology, reference and impacted conditions. She is President of the Hellenic Committee for the ecological status and is a member of ECOSTAT. More here.



Leal Miguel

Leal Miguel 
Miguel Leal is a physical geographer working at CEG, Lisbon, Portugal. His research focuses on flash floods and urban flooding in small and medium drainage basins. His ongoing PhD research aims to determine human and economic consequences caused by different types of flooding and to assess flood risk in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. More here.



Ledger Mark

Ledger Mark 
Mark Ledger is an ecologist researching environmental change at the University of Birmingham, UK. His research focuses on understanding how environmental stressors and climate change, especially extreme climatic events such as droughts and heat waves, affect the structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems. More here.



Leese Florian

Leese Florian 
Florian Leese is a molecular ecologist at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany and Chair of COST Action DNAqua-Net. In his research he studies responses of aquatic communities to environmental stressors with genomic tools. More here.



Levkov Zlatko

Levkov Zlatko 
Zlatko Levkov is a diatom taxonomist at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. His work considers the taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of diatoms from ancient lakes and other freshwater habitats. More here.


Logar Ivana

Logar Ivana 
Ivana Logar is an environmental economist working at the EAWAG, Switzerland. Her research main interests are environmental and natural resource economics, economic valuation of ecosystem services, methodological aspects of the stated preference valuation methods, and sustainable management of water resources. More here.



Loskotová Barbora

Loskotová Barbora 
Barbora Loskotová is a PhD student at the Department of Botany and Zoology at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Her research focuses on resistance and resilience of benthic macroinvertebrates in intermittent rivers. She is especially interested in mesocosm experiments. More here.



Loures Luís

Loures Luís 
Luís Loures is a Landscape Architect and Agronomic Engineer, Professor at the ESAE in the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, who holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences – Planning. He is a researcher on several financed research projects focusing different domains such as landscape reclamation and the use of urban planning as a tool for achieving sustainable development. More here.



Maddock Ian

Maddock Ian 
Ian Maddock is a physical geographer based at the University of Worcester, UK. His research focuses on the interaction of hydromorphology and flow regimes on physical habitat dynamics and the use of unmanned aerial systems for river habitat assessment. More here.



Malard Florian

Malard Florian 
Florian Malard is a freshwater ecologist based at University of Lyon 1, France. He is working at the interface between ecology and evolution to understand the determinants of large-scale groundwater biodiversity patterns using concepts and tools from macroecology, phylogeography and statistical ecology. More here.


Malm Renöfält Birgitta

Malm Renöfält Birgitta 
Birgitta Malm Renöfält works as a researcher at Umeå University, Sweden. Her research focuses on patterns and processes that structure the river ecosystems, especially flow dynamics and resource heterogeneity. Her main interests are on the effects of hydropower production and on ecosystems response to restoration and mitigation measures.



Marcé Rafael

Marcé Rafael 
Rafael Marcé is a freshwater ecologist working at ICRA, Girona, Spain. His research focuses on carbon cycling, the detection of the effects of global change on fluvial basins and their ecosystem services, the management of water quality in reservoirs, and the fate of emerging pollutants at the basin scale. More here.



Martí Eugènia

Martí Eugènia 
Eugènia Martí is a stream ecologist working at CEAB-CSIC, Blanes, Spain. Her research focuses on the study of organic matter and nutrient dynamics and cycling in stream ecosystems and on their temporal patterns, controlling factors and driving mechanisms in both pristine and human-altered catchments. More here.



Martin Eduardo J.

Martin Eduardo J. 
Eduardo J. Martin recently finished his PhD at EAWAG, Switzerland.  His research focuses on river flow-sediment regimes, impacts of anthropogenic activities, and techniques to mitigate flow-sediment alterations. He is also interested in macroinvertebrate ‘seedbanks’ in intermittent rivers. More here.



McClain Michael

McClain Michael 
Michael McClain is Professor of Ecohydrology and Head of the Hydrology and Water Resources Chair Group at UNESCO-IHE in Delft, The Netherlands. He is active in environmental flows research and practice in Africa and South America with special interest in the embedding of environmental flow protection into water resource management processes. More here.



Mediero Luis

Mediero Luis 
Luis Mediero is a lecturer working at the School of Civil Engineers of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain. His research focuses on hydrology, more specifically on flood frequency analyses, regionalization, water resources, rainfall-runoff models, bivariate modelling and stochastic simulations.



Mendoza-Lera Clara

Mendoza-Lera Clara 
Clara Mendoza-Lera is a freshwater scientist as a postdoctoral researcher at INRAE (France). Her work focuses on understanding the interactions between the hydromorphological characteristics of the streambed and the microbial communities inhabiting it, and their significance for stream metabolism and nutrient cycling. More here.


Milin Mélanie

Milin Mélanie 
Mélanie Milin is a PhD student at the University of Worcester, UK. Her research uses taxonomic and functional approaches to explore drought refuges and the processes structuring aquatic macroinvertebrate metacommunities in intermittent rivers. More here.



Milner Tory

Milner Tory 
Tory Milner is a hydroecologist based at the University of Worcester, UK. Her research focuses on the response of physical habitat conditions and benthic invertebrate communities to drying in intermittent rivers in temperate environments. More here.



Milošević Djuradj

Milošević Djuradj 
Djuradj Milošević is a freshwater ecologist working at PMF, University of Niš, Serbia. His research focuses on community ecology of macroinvertebrates (especially the Chironomidae family) and biomonitoring of lotic systems. More here.



Morais Manuela

Morais Manuela 
Manuela Morais is a freshwater ecologist working at the Institute of Heart Science, University of Évora, Portugal. Here research focuses on intermittent river ecology, with a particular emphasis on community dynamics. More here.



Morin Soizic

Morin Soizic
Soizic Morin is a freshwater ecotoxicologist based at INRAE in Bordeaux. Her research evaluates the structural and functional responses of biofilms, including diatoms, to environmentally realistic levels of exposure to organic and inorganic toxicants. More here.



Munné Antoni

Munné Antoni 
Antoni Munné is a freshwater ecologist working at the Catalan Water Agency in Catalonia, Spain. He leads the Monitoring and Water Quality Department and is responsible for assessing the ecological status of Catalan water bodies, applying biological and hydromorphological indices and analyzing chemical compounds, and relating them to human pressures. More here.



Mutz Michael

Mutz Michael 
Michael Mutz is a freshwater ecologist at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. His research focuses on the transformation of organic carbon in the land-water interface of lowland streams and rivers. More here.


Mykrä Heikki

Mykrä Heikki 
Heikki Mykrä is a senior research scientist in Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) in Oulu, Finland. His research focuses on the impacts of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity and functioning of freshwater ecosystems. More here.



Nizzoli Daniele

Nizzoli Daniele 
Daniele Nizzoli is an aquatic ecologist and biogeochemist working at Parma University, Italy. His research focuses on factors affecting the fate and transport of nitrogen and phosphorus in aquatic ecosystems with particular emphasis on their regulation by bioturbation, activity of primary producers and human pressures. More here.



Novais Maria Helena

Novais Maria Helena 
Maria Helena Novais is a freshwater biologist at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Évora, Portugal. Her research interests are in the ecology and taxonomy of freshwater diatoms and their use for ecological status assessment. More here.



Ntislidou Chrysoula

Ntislidou Chrysoula 
Chrysoula Ntislidou is a freshwater ecologist in the Laboratory of Ichthyology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research is developing indices for the ecological assessment of rivers, and examines the taxonomy and ecology of macroinvertebrates, in particular Chironomidae and Oligochaeta. More here.



Nunes João Pedro

Nunes João Pedro 
João Pedro Nunes is a hydrologist working at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. His work focuses on water resources in Mediterranean regions, with a particular interest on climate and streamflow variability, and the impact of severe disturbances. More here.



Obrador Biel

Obrador Biel 
Biel Obrador is an ecosystem ecologist working at the University of Barcelona, Spain. His research focuses on carbon cycling in aquatic systems, including lake and stream metabolism, greenhouse gas fluxes, and the processing of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon at the aquatic-terrestrial boundaries. More here.



Ólafsson Jón S.

Ólafsson Jón S. 
Jón S. Ólafsson is a freshwater ecologist at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Reykjavík, Iceland and a Guest Professor at the Agricultural University of Iceland. His current research focuses on the structure and function of stream ecosystems in relation to warming climate. More here.



Padło Tomasz

Padło Tomasz 
Tomasz Padło is a human geographer working in the Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. His research interests include geography of perception, mainly perceiving Europe and geographical environment in a wider scope. He is also interested in using photography in geography. More here.



Paillex Amael

Paillex Amael 
Amael Paillex is a freshwater ecologist working at EAWAG, Switzerland. He conducts research on aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in streams and rivers, and develops models to predict the influence of environmental changes on biodiversity. More here.



Papatheodoulou Athina

Papatheodoulou Athina 
Athina Papatheodoulou is a biologist working at I.A.CO Environmental and Water Consultants Ltd in Cyprus. She uses benthic invertebrate communities to assess the ecological quality of rivers including IRES as part of the national river biological monitoring programme. More here.



Paraskevi Niki

Paraskevi Niki 
Paraskevi Niki (Penny) Lampri is freshwater ecologist at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Her research focuses on macroinvertebrate phylogeny, ecology and population genetics in the Aegean islands. More here.



Paredes Irene

Paredes Irene 
Irene Paredes is an Environmental Scientist currently doing a PhD at the Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC) in Seville, Spain ( Her research focuses on the study of nitrogen (N) pollution in the temporary Doñana marsh and entry streams (southwestern Spain) which are affected by nutrient inputs from intensive agriculture and urban wastewaters. Particularly, she combines N stable isotopes and N concentrations in surface waters to describe the spatio-temporal patterns of the different N sources and inputs.


Parry Simon

Parry Simon 
Simon Parry is a hydrologist with a research focus on the characterisation, variability and spatio-temporal evolution of hydrological drought in the UK, and is particularly interested in the ends of droughts.  He also works within a team that monitors and reports on the water situation in the UK, placing contemporary conditions in their long-term historical context.



Pascoal Cláudia

Pascoal Cláudia 
Cláudia Pascoal works at CBMA/IB-S in the University of Minho, Portugal. Her research addresses the impacts of global change on freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem processes, with a focus on organic matter turnover. She leads the STREAMECO project on responses to multiple stressors. More here.



Pastor Amandine

Pastor Amandine 
Amandine Pastor is an agriculture engineer and a hydrologist in the field of global water resources. She has developed a global method to calculate Environmental Flows at global scale during her PhD in Wageningen and is working now on land erosion and restoration of Mediterranean sites at IRD (France). More here.



Pavlineri Natalia

Pavlineri Natalia 
Natalia Pavlineri is an environmental Engineer (Democritus Univ. of Thrace) working at HCMR. MSc on phytoremediation of freshwater (National Technical Univ. of Athens). Her main research interests regard, biogeochemistry of inland waters and river basin management.



Perju Ruth

Perju Ruth 
Ruth Perju is a hydrologist working at National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM), Bucharest, Romania and a PhD Student at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography. Her research focuses on analysis and validation of hydrological data and on hydrological modelling. More here.


Pešić Vladimir

Pešić Vladimir 
Vladimir Pešić is a freshwater ecologist and taxonomist based at the University of Montenegro. His research focuses on the taxonomy of water mites and the ecology of spring ecosystems. More here.



Planinić Adriana

Planinić Adriana 
Adriana Planinić is a Senior Assistant at Faculty of Science and Education, University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research examines zooplankton  communities in springs and lakes, and she is particularly interested in the ecology and biodiversity of microscopic crustaceans. More here.


Pozojević Ivana

Pozojević Ivana 
Ivana Pozojević is a PhD student at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her research focuses on the community ecology of springs and  freshwater organisms, and she is especially interested in water mites (Hydrachnidia). More here.



Previšić Ana

Previšić Ana 
Ana Previšić is a freshwater ecologist working in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her research focuses on the diversity, taxonomy, phylogenetics, phylogeography and ecology of aquatic invertebrates, primarily caddisflies (Trichoptera, Insecta). More here.



Prudhomme Christel

Prudhomme Christel 
Christel Prudhomme is an hydrologist with interest in the impact of climate variability and change on the hydrology and the environment. She leads a team dedicated to study, understand and model the development in time and space of water deficits across spatial scales (from local to global), to assess their associated uncertainty and to quantifying the impact of climate variability and change on the hydrological processes and how in turn this impacts on the environment. More here.


Quintas-Soriano Cristina

Quintas-Soriano Cristina 
Cristina Quintas-Soriano is a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Social-Ecological interactions in agricultural systems in the University of Kassel. Her research focuses on the study of the links between ecosystems and people, especially she interested in how people value nature and how we can improve the management of traditional landscapes to improve sustainability and local welfare. More here.


Radomski Mariya

Radomski Mariya 
Mariya Radomski is a PhD candidate at the Environmental Sustainability and Health Institute (Dublin Institute of Technology). Her PhD research focuses on the analysis of carbon dioxide in the surface waters of blanket peatland dominated catchments in Ireland. More here.



Rajwa-Kuligiewicz Agnieszka

Rajwa-Kuligiewicz Agnieszka 
Agnieszka Rajwa-Kuligiewicz is a hydrologist working in the Department of Hydrology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Her research focuses on fluvial hydraulics and water quality with a particular emphasis on spatio-temporal analysis of environmental data.



Ramos Vanessa

Ramos Vanessa 
Vanessa Ramos is an environmental engineer and, currently, a PhD researcher in the Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Division of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.  I have been working on in some national and international projects related with water resources management with emphasis on extreme events and climate changes, as well as, with the study of effects on aquatic ecosystems. I have been involved on the creation and development of Young Professionals Associations, such as IAHR Portugal Young Professionals Network and Young Professionals of Portuguese Association of Water Resources, being a member of the Executive Commitee. More here.

Reynaud Arnaud

Reynaud Arnaud 
Arnaud Reynaud is research director at INRAE (French Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and the Environment) and member of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) in France. He is a natural resource economist with a strong specialization in water economics. He currently serves as the deputy head of TSE-R. More here.



Rimet Frédéric

Rimet Frédéric 
Frédéric Rimet is a freshwater algologist at the National Institute of Agricultural Research in France. He is the the curator of a barcoding library for diatoms ( used in metabarcoding studies for water monitoring. He also has considerable experience of monitoring rivers and lakes using algae using classical optical methodologies. More here.



Risse-Buhl Ute

Risse-Buhl Ute 
Ute Risse-Buhl is a freshwater ecologist working at the UFZ, Magdeburg, Germany. Her research focuses on the response of microbial communities, especially protists, to environmental drivers, such as flow and sediment shifting, and their role in carbon and nutrient cycle. More here.



Robertson Anne

Robertson Anne 
Anne Robertson is a freshwater ecologist based at Roehampton University, UK.  Her research focuses on the variability of hyporheic zone and groundwater communities in response to external drivers. More here.



Robinson Christopher T.

Robinson Christopher T. 
Christopher T. Robinson is a stream ecologist working at Eawag/ETHZ, Duebendorf, Switzerland. His research focuses on the ecology of alpine streams, ranging from microbial functioning to ecosystem processes. A primary interest is the eco-evolutionary dynamics of aquatic insects to environmental change. More here.



Roboz Agnes

Roboz Agnes 
Agnes Roboz is an assistant lecturer and a PhD candidate at the Department of Decision Sciences of the Corvinus University of Budapest. In her research, she tackles ecological problems that should include the understanding of the socio-environmental problems. Now working in the links between of ecosystem services and environmental justice in a Hungarian case study. More here.



Rodríguez-Lozano Pablo

Rodríguez-Lozano Pablo 
Pablo Rodríguez-Lozano is an environmental scientist working at the University of the Balearic Islands (Palma, Mallorca, Spain). His current research focuses on the social perception of non-perennial streams and the socio-ecological conflicts around these systems. More here.



Romaní Anna M.

Romaní Anna M. 
Anna M. Romaní is a freshwater ecologist working at the Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Girona, Spain. Her research focuses on the role of the microbial biofilm on organic matter cycling with emphasis on microbial interactions and functioning. More here.



Romanowicz Renata

Romanowicz Renata 
Renata Romanowicz is a hydrologist working at the IGP PAS, Warsaw, Poland. Her research focuses on the impact of land use and climate change on hydrological processes. At present she is involved in the project Climate Change Impact on Hydrological Extremes CHIHE, funded by Norwegian Grants.



Rosebery Juliette

Rosebery Juliette 
Juliette Rosebery is a freshwater ecologist based at INRAE in Bordeaux. Her research focuses on the response of diatom communities to anthropogenic pressures, and explores continental-scale patterns of diatom diversity and distribution. More here.



Rulík Martin

Rulík Martin 
Martin Rulík is a freshwater ecologist working at Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. His research focuses on organic carbon dynamics in natural or regulated rivers and streams, with a particular emphasis on how bottom and hyporheic sediments influence the dynamics of methane and CO2 and microbial communities involved in the methane cycling. More here.


Rusjan Simon

Rusjan Simon 
Simon Rusjan is an assistant professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Chair of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (UL FGG), Ljubljana Slovenia. His research focus on interactions between hydrological processes and biogeochemical cycles in terms of spatial and temporal variability. More here.



Rutkowska Agnieszka

Rutkowska Agnieszka 
Agnieszka Rutkowska is a statistician working at the Dep. of Applied Mathematics, University of Agriculture, Kraków, Poland. Her research focuses on quantitative and qualitative statistical analysis of hydrological processes, including temporary and spatial variability of hydro-meteorological variables.



Saarikoski Heli

Saarikoski Heli 
Heli Saarikoski is a social scientist working at the Finnish Environment Institute, Environmental Policy Centre. Her research focuses on deliberative environmental governance, participatory integrated appraisals and non-monetary valuation of ecosystem services. More here.



Sánchez-Fernández David

Sánchez-Fernández David 
David Sánchez-Fernández is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Murcia, Spain. He is mainly interested in macroecology, community ecology and biogeography, including practical applications for conservation and management of freshwater biodiversity. More here.



Sánchez-Montoya Maria Mar

Sánchez-Montoya Maria Mar 
Maria Mar Sánchez-Montoya is a freshwater ecologist working at the University of Murcia, Spain. Her research focuses on intermittent river ecology, including the responses of both aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate communities to flow intermittence and water salinity. More here.



Santamarta Juan Carlos

Santamarta Juan Carlos 
Juan Carlos Santamarta is a Forestry and Civil engineer working at Universidad de La Laguna in Canary Islands (Spain). He studies the hydrology of volcanic islands. His main research interests has been focused on applied research in the field of water resources planning, hidraulic works and groundwater resources. More here.



Santos Luís

Santos Luís 
Luís Santos is a freshwater ecologist working at IPT, Tomar, Portugal. His research examines benthic macroinvertebrate community responses to environmental conditions in Mediterranean rivers, freshwater marshes and intermittent systems of karstic origin. More here.



Sarremejane Romain

Sarremejane Romain 
Romain Sarremejane is a freshwater ecologist and PhD candidate at the University of Oulu in Finland. His research focusses on the effects of connectivity, dispersal and flow variability on stream community assembly mechanisms and ecosystem processes. More here.



Savić Ana

Savić Ana 
Ana Savić is freshwater ecologist at the University of Niš, Serbia. She is mainly interested in the biodiversity, ecology and zoogeography of aquatic invertebrates, in particular Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Gastropoda in intermittent and ephemeral streams and springs. More here.



Schreckinger Jose

Schreckinger Jose 
Jose Schreckinger is a doctoral student at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. His focusing on sediment/soil microbial diversity, heterotrophic respiration, and nutrient uptake rates during drying and flow-resumption events. At the moment, he is working in land-water interfaces from a post-mining experimental watershed and a temperate river shore.



Sefton Cath

Sefton Cath 
Cath Sefton is a hydrologist at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in the UK. Her research interest in the monitoring and characterisation of intermittent rivers arose from her experience as an operational hydrologist, conducting water resource assessments and surveys of source migration. More here.



Sertić Perić Mirela

Sertić Perić Mirela 
Mirela Sertić Perić is Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (Croatia). Her research focuses on hydromorphological, anthropogenic and global change influences on the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems; ecology of karst and tufa-precipitating waters; ecology of alpine/glacier-fed streams; ecological consequences of glacier retreat; stream macroinvertebrates; spatio-temporal dynamics of macroinvertebrate communities in running waters; macroinvertebrate drift; lake outlets. More here.


Shumilova Oleksandra

Shumilova Oleksandra 
Oleksandra Shumilova is a PhD student at the Free University of Berlin working at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) (Berlin, Germany) ( ). Her research includes floating organic material in freshwaters, effect of first flush events on leaching of organic matter and nutrients in intermittent rivers and modeling nutrient load. More here.



Siebers Andre

Siebers Andre 
Andre Siebers is a freshwater ecologist working at EAWAG, Switzerland. His research focuses on how intermittency affects the organic matter dynamics, food web structure, and ecosystem metabolism of rivers and streams. More here.



Silveira André

Silveira André 
André Silveira is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. He holds a PhD in Geography during which he specialized in river basin governance and the cross-sectoral politics of water-land interactions. He is particularly interested in the evolution of relations among stakeholders at multiple geographical scales, and in processes of knowledge co-production to protect water resources and conserve the environmental services of river systems.


Smolar-Žvanut Nataša

Smolar-Žvanut Nataša 
Nataša Smolar-Žvanut is a biologist and she works at Slovenian Water Agency. She is dealing with water use and their impacts on river ecosystems, environmental flows, biological pressures and taking part in preparing the National River Basin Management Plans.



Soininen Janne

Soininen Janne 
Janne Soininen is an associate professor in University of Helsinki, Finland. His research focuses on the community ecology of freshwater organisms, and he is especially interested in large-scale spatial patterns of unicellular taxa. More here.



Soria Maria

Soria Maria 
Maria Soria is a PhD researcher working in F.E.M. Research Group at Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain. Her research focuses on the responses of macroinvertebrate communities to flow variability in Mediterranean rivers ecosystems. In particular, she is interested in resistance and resilience of aquatic invertebrates in temporary streams and their responses to variation in surface flow. More here.



Stamenković Olivera

Stamenković Olivera 
Olivera Stamenković is freshwater ecologist at the University of Niš, Serbia. Her current research focuses on pond ecosystem ecology and the effects of anthropogenic pressures on biodiversity in ponds, with a focus on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. More here.



Stanić-Koštroman Svjetlana

Stanić-Koštroman Svjetlana 
Svjetlana Stanić-Koštroman is a freshwater ecologist based at the Faculty of Science and Education, University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research focuses on macroinvertebrates, especially the ecology and taxonomy of caddisflies. More here.



Stojković Piperac Milica

Stojković Piperac Milica 
Milica Stojković Piperac is a freshwater ecologist working at PMF, University of Niš, Serbia. Her research focuses on community ecology of fish and biomonitoring of lotic systems. More here.



Straka Michal

Straka Michal 
Michal Straka is a freshwater ecologist at the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute and Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. His research focuses on the ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates, with an emphasis on community resistance and resilience in intermittent streams. More here.



Sykes Tim

Sykes Tim 
Tim Sykes is an ecologist with the Environment Agency, UK, conserving and restoring chalkstreams in southern England. His research interests also go in line of the study of cultural ecosystem services associated with chalkstream winterbournes and chalk aquifers, in order to inform water resources investment and regulatory decisions. More here.



Szolgay Ján

Szolgay Ján 
Ján Szolgay is a professor in Engineering hydrology and water resources management. His research experience includes river flow modelling and forecasting, the stochastic modelling of river flows, assessment of impacts of human influence and climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources management, hydrological mapping, modelling of water resources systems, at site and regional frequency analysis.



Tallaksen Lena M.

Tallaksen Lena M. 
Prof. Lena M. Tallaksen is a surface water hydrologist working at the department of Geosciences, University of Oslo. Her research fields of interest include i) Hydrological modelling, with emphasis on the role of the land surface (vegetation in particular) on the low flow regime, ii) Regional hydrology, focusing on low flow and drought analyses, iii) Hydroclimatology, addressing the main climate drivers of drought and iv) Global change (land use and climate change) impacts on the hydrological cycle. More here.

Terrier Benoît

Terrier Benoît 
Benoit Terrier works as a project leader for the Rhône Mediterranean and Corsican Water Agency. He works as a hydromorphologist on river restoration projects. He is involved in local projects and also works at regional, national and European scales on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.



Theodossiou Nicos

Theodossiou Nicos 
Nicos Theodossiou is a professor at the Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering of the Department of Civil Engineering, a the AUTH. He participated in a number of technical studies concerning water related works and their environmental impacts. He is member of various important Greek national and international organisations concerning water resources. More here.



Tietjen Britta

Tietjen Britta 
Britta Tietjen is a terrestrial dryland ecologist working at FU Berlin, Germany. Her research focuses on the dynamics and resilience of dryland ecosystems under global change with a particular emphasis on water-vegetation interactions, for which she uses various modelling techniques. More here.



Timoner Xisca

Timoner Xisca 
Xisca Timoner works at ICRA, Girona, Spain. She aims to determine the stream biofilm responses to Global change, focusing on the role of microbial biofilms to ecosystem processes and on how biofilms are involved in biogeochemical cycles. Specifically, she has been focusing on the biofilm responses to flow intermittency in temporary streams.



Tizzoni Elisa

Tizzoni Elisa 
Elisa Tizzoni is a modern historian and geographer working at the Universities of Florence and Pisa. She applies methods and concepts issued by environmental history to investigate when and how different ecosystem services have been provided by European intermittent rivers. More here.



Tolonen Katri

Tolonen Katri 
Katri Tolonen is a freshwater ecologist based at the Finnish Environment Institute in Oulu, Finland. The emphasis of her research is on modelling community composition in relation to environmental variability in subarctic streams, using both taxonomic and functional approaches. More here.



Tramblay Yves

Tramblay Yves 
Yves Tramblay is a Hydrologist working at IRD, HydroSciences Montpellier, France. His research focuses on hydrological hazards, to improve the modelling of floods and droughts in semi- arid environments and provide climate change scenarios for these hazards. More here.



Truchy Amélie

Truchy Amélie 
Amélie Truchy is a freshwater ecologist working at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Her research focuses on ecosystem functioning in streams, with a particular interest on studying the different drivers shaping ecosystem processes under human pressures. More here.



Tsani Stella

Tsani Stella 
Stella Tsani is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business and Head of the Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation Department at the International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy. Her research interests focus on resource economics, energy, development and socio-economic analysis. More here.



Tyllianakis Manolis

Tyllianakis Manolis 
Manolis Tyllianakis is an environmental economist working for the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science in the UK. His work focuses on the valuation of ecosystem services from marine, coastal and freshwater ecosystems, natural capital valuation and environmental quality indicators. More here.



Tziortzis Iakovos

Tziortzis Iakovos 
Iakovos Tziortzis is a biologist mainly focused on riverine ecosystems, currently working at the Water Development Department of Cyprus. He has worked for several years on the implementation of biological monitoring programs in Cyprus rivers as well as the assessment of ecological quality of Cyprus inland waters for the purposes of WFD. Iakovos is a member of the Board of Directors of the Non-profit Organization Enalia Physis Environmental Research Center, based in Cyprus. More here.


Tzoraki Ourania

Tzoraki Ourania 
Ourania Tzoraki is environmental engineer working as Ass. Professor at the University of the Aegean, Greece. Her research focuses on the hydrology, water quality and sediment transport of Mediterranean streams. She develops modelling tools (Temporary River Model, Karstic and In-stream MONERIS model) and applies novel in situ technologies such as Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) to reuse reclaimed water and Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) at basin scale for nutrients remediation.


Usseglio-Polatera Philippe

Usseglio-Polatera Philippe 
Philippe Usseglio-Polatera is a freshwater ecologist based at the University of Lorraine, France. His research interests include trait based approaches in community ecology for freshwater bioassessment, as well as the ecological effects of multi-stressors at large spatial scales. More here.



Uzan Avi

Uzan Avi 
Avi Uzan is a multidisciplinary ecologist focused on environmental flows, river restoration. He works at the Israel Nature Parks Authority. He planned and designed the rehabilitation of several lotic and lentic habitats. Avi is a member in professional committees to promote the release of natural water sources to sustain e-flows. More here.



Vadher Atish

Vadher Atish 
Atish Vadher is a PhD student at Loughborough University. His resear ch examines the use of streambed sediments by benthic macroinvertebrates in response to surface water loss and streambed drying in temporary streams. More here.



Van Meerveld Ilja

Van Meerveld Ilja 
Ilja van Meerveld is a hydrologist working at the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her research focuses on runoff generation mechanisms, hydrologic connectivity and threshold streamflow responses. More here.



Várbíró Gábor

Várbíró Gábor 
Gábor Várbíró works as a biologist at the Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary. His work focuses on hydrobiology, biological databases, biomonitoring and assessment. More here.



Vardakas Louis

Vardakas Louis 
Louis Vardakas is a freshwater ichthylogist currently working at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters, Greece. His research activities include drought effects and recovery processes of freshwater fish fauna in intermittent streams. More here.



Verdiani Giuseppe

Verdiani Giuseppe 
Giuseppe Verdiani is an environmental engineer working at AdBP (Basin Authority of Apulia), Valenzano (Bari), Italy. His institutional and research activities focus on spatial planning, environmental analysis and flood risk management.



Verdonschot Ralf

Verdonschot Ralf
Ralf Verdonschot is a freshwater ecologist from the Wageningen Environmental Research Institute, the Netherlands (Wageningen UR). He studies the macroinvertebrate and semi-terrestrial invertebrate communities in lowland streams and its associated riparian wetlands, with special emphasis on the role invertebrates and their traits play in ecosystem functioning, and their use as bio-indicators. More here.



Veselý David

Veselý David 
Mr. David Veselý works for Povodi Moravy, s.p., the state enterprise in the Czech Republic, that deals with management of watercourses and hydraulic structures in the area which occupies large part of Moravia belongs to the Black Sea drainage area. Among others this work involves quality of water bodies and river revitalization. He has developed and implemented many studies and projects focused on nature-like flood defense.


Vezza Paolo

Vezza Paolo 
Paolo Vezza currently works as assistant professor at the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin (IT). His main research interests has been focused on theoretical and applied research in the field of eco-hydraulics, aquatic ecology and biology, hydrology, geomorphology and soil erosion.



Viaroli Pierluigi

Viaroli Pierluigi 
Pierluigi Viaroli is an aquatic ecologist at the University of Parma. His main research interest is on primary production, decomposition and related biogeochemical processes and functions in shallow water ecosystems and rivers. He also works on the effects of high flows on nutrient loadings, benthic communities and processes. More here.



Voreadou Catherina

Voreadou Catherina 
Catherina Voreadou is a freshwater ecologist at the Natural History Museum of Crete, University of Crete. Her research in IRES ecology explores effects of hydrological variability and organic pollution on macroinvertebrate communities and ecological quality in freshwater ecosystems. More here.



Weigelhofer Gabriele

Weigelhofer Gabriele 
Gabriele Weigelhofer is a freshwater ecologist working at WasserCluster Lunz, Austria. Her research focuses on nutrient and organic matter cycling at the water sediment interface of small (agricultural) streams under various anthropogenic pressures such as nutrient saturation, altered hydrological regimes, and fine sediment inputs.



Westwood Chris

Westwood Chris 
Chris Westwood runs a consultancy (Environmental Research Associates) specializing in hydroecological research and investigation. Much of his recent work has focused on helping the UK Environment Agency and water companies assess the effects of low flows and consequent abstraction reductions on the ecology of chalk stream headwaters. More here.



White James

White James 
James White is a PhD student working within the Centre for Hydrological and Ecosystem Science, Loughborough University (UK). His research examines how flow regulation and groundwater abstraction practices affect macroinvertebrate communities within river systems. It quantifies the ecological implications of flow alterations relative to different environmental controls and abiotic stressors. Part of this involves examining macroinvertebrate responses to observed hydrological controls and modelled groundwater abstraction influences across intermittent and perennial sections of headwater streams. More here.


Wilk Paweł

Wilk Paweł 
Paweł Wilk is an employee of the Department of Surface Water Quality at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Quality in Poland. His research focuses on the use of the Macromodel DNS / SWAT to quantify and source biogen sources in surface waters, the impact of climate change on water quality, and the possibilities of combining mathematical modeling with other methods of water quality assessment.


Wilkes Martin

Wilkes Martin 
Martin Wilkes is an ecologist based at Coventry University in the UK. He takes a computational approach to understanding how biological communities are assembled and reassembled in response to environmental change. More here.



Wood Paul

Wood Paul 
Paul Wood is an ecohydrologist based at Loughborough University, UK. His research focuses on how instream communities respond to flow regime variability and flow permanence over varying spatial and temporal scales. More here.



Zagyva Tünde Andrea

Zagyva Tünde Andrea



Zaimes George N.

Zaimes George N. 
George N. Zaimes is the Deputy Chair of the UNESCO Chair Con-E-Ect for the Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystem and is a riparian area and water resources expert at the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology, GREECE.  His main research interests are riparian areas management and conservation, watershed and stream management, climate change and riparian areas and fluvial geomorphology with an emphasis erosional process. More here.


Zak Dominik

Zak Dominik 
Dominik Zak was working as a post doc in the biogeochemical research group of the IGB, Berlin, Germany, from 2007 to 2016 and being the associate editor of the journal “Wetlands”. His knowledge extends to a range of biogeochemical processes, matter fluxes and nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems concerning the cycle of phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, and iron. More here.



Zawiejska Joanna

Zawiejska Joanna 
Joanna Zawiejska is a geomorphologist working in the Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. Her research interests include environmental and human impacts on river channels, hydromorphological assessment and river restoration, social perception and education about rivers. More here.



Żelazny Mirosław

Żelazny Mirosław 
Mirosław Żelazny teaches hydrology and water chemistry at the Department of Hydrology, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Scientific work focused on determination of the natural and anthropogeniccompounds in precipitation, streamwater and groundwater in catchments with different land uses in the Carpathian Mts., South Poland.



Zlatanovic Sanja

Zlatanovic Sanja 
Sanja Zlatanovic is late stage PhD student at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Department of Freshwater Conservation, Bad Saarow, Germany. Her research focuses on drivers for carbon transport and transformation in rivers with particular emphasis on geomorphologic and hydrologic alteration impacts on spatial and temporal responses of microbial communities and measures to mitigate the responses of ecosystem function and structure to related disturbances in the river channel. More here.


Zoppini Annamaria

Zoppini Annamaria 
Annamaria Zoppini is a microbial ecologist working at IRSA-CNR, Italy. Her research focuses on the description of carbon fluxes mediated by microbial communities in relation to environmental factors. More here.